The Story of a Long Love Journey Finally anchored at the lake

The Story of a Long Love Journey Finally anchored at the lake
Splashy, the Bride was punched by her sister-in-law at the wedding

The wedding of a couple named Steffan Wilson and Erin Mason-George ended in chaos. The bride Erin Mason was punched by her own sister-in-law, Tomos Rhydian Wilson.

The wedding that took place in July was initially lively and happy. But brother Steffan, seemed unable to control himself because of too much drinking

As quoted by The Sun, Erin's family warned him to rest because he was very drunk. Getting the reprimand, Tomson was offended.
Tomson then approached Erin, and punched her new sister-in-law. After carrying out a brutal action, he then pulled Erin down from the top of the stairs. Tomson also attacked Erin's mother and sisters.

This case just surfaced, after appearing in court. Yes, Erin's family took the case to court for not accepting Tomson's behavior.

The marriage between Erin and Steffan was also known to be separated immediately after the incident. They had only been married for several hours, and Erin's family had canceled the marriage.

Tomson was sentenced without prison, but had to work 240 hours for the community. He also must pay compensation money for his mistakes.

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